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Mentor Information


Participants are required to select an experienced pharmacy educator to serve as their teaching mentor throughout the year. A list of pharmacists who have served as mentors in the past or expressed in interest is provided below.  If you have someone in mind who is not on the list, you may ask anyone with these qualifications to serve as your mentor.  Please confirm that your potential mentor is willing and able to work with you in this capacity prior to submitting your mentors' name to the IPTeC Executive Committee.



Mentors should be someone with the following: 

  1. Experience as a pharmacy educator through didactic teaching, exam question writing, or significant experience precepting pharmacy students

  2. Involved in the commitment of resident learning and development

  3. Previously participated in a teaching certificate program


Responsibilities of your mentor may include: 

  1. Review of lecture slides, lecture handouts or case development

  2. Reviewer of exam questions written by the resident

  3. Evaluation of participant lectures and/or presentations (rubric provided on website)

  4. Provide midpoint feedback to the resident on their teaching portfolio (rubric provided on website)

  5. Provide insightful advice about teaching and career development


Participants are responsible for initiating meetings with their mentor at least quarterly.


Previous Mentors are listed in the Excel file. This list is not all-inclusive; you can seek mentors not on the list. 



Once you have selected your mentor and they have agreed, please report this information to the IPTeC Executive Committee using the following link by September 15th

If you are having difficulty finding an appropriate mentor, please contact Dr. Amy Sheehan ( and she will work with you in finding a mentor.  

Options for Mentor List

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